01. Do BDSNEXT videos work on all devices?

To watch BDSNEXT videos on iOS, you need iOS version 10 or above, and for Android, you need version 6 or above. Our app contents work on phones or tabs only not laptops. Only Live tests can be given on laptops

02. Can I renew my plan?

Yes, you can renew after the completion of validity of your plan.

03. How many times can I watch the videos?

You can watch the micro teaching videos unlimited times during the specific time. However, classroom videos come for a specific time usually 12 hours on a date which is previously informed. Once missed, they can be watched later when revision is conducted.

04. Can I watch the video offline?

No, you can’t watch the video offline.

05. Can I change the speed of videos?

No, you can’t change the speed of videos.

06. Can I watch videos on bigger screens like Laptop, PC, and TV?

You can only watch videos on mobile/tablet devices and not on bigger screens like Laptop, PC, or TV. You candownload the app from the Play Store/App Store to watch the videos

07. Can I take screenshots?

No, you cannot take screenshots of the Video player and Notes screen on the Android platform. Whereas on IOS, if your account has been observed taking screenshots your account will be flagged and the content will no longer be available for you for at least 07 days.

08. Can I login from more than devices?

You can log in only through 1 device with the same credentials. We give access for one phone and one browser. You need to use same phone/tab or laptop/PC/browser every time. If you try to log in from a new device, then it will show an error. To change the login device, inform the head office number 1 week prior (7899855300).

09. Is the price of the plan inclusive of tax

Yes, all the plan prices are inclusive of taxes.

10. What should I do if I forget my password?

In case you forget your password, please tap on the Forgot Password option on the login page in the App or on the website Enter your valid registered email ID and click on Request password. You will receive a mail in registered email ID to reset your password.


01. Will BDSNExT cover all subjects?

Yes, BDSNEXT notes will cover all 24 subjects in way of tests, picture based tests, daily tests, synopsis, microteaching lectures and live exams.

02. Can I take a screenshot of the soft copies of notes?

No. Your account will be blocked if you try to take screenshots of the notes in the app.

03. Can I take a print of the soft copies of notes?

No. They can be read in the app itself.

04. How can I save MCQ for revision?

You can bookmark the MCQ while appearing for the test for later revision on the Qbank screen Bookmarks can be accessible on the Homescreen or by clicking on the Bookmark link


01. Where can I view the answers for a test I have taken?

Click on the “ View Solutions Tab” to view the answers for correct, incorrect and unattempted questions.

02. Will I get to know the number of participants in tests?

Yes, you will get to know your rank out of the total rank, when the results are published.

03. Can I change my plan after purchasing?

Yes, you can upgrade your plan. To do the same, please contact 7899855300

04. If I change my registered mobile number or email address, will it affect my account?

We use the phone number for student registration. That is why we request the students to keep their phone number intact for a smoother experience. In case of any issue, please contact our head office number 7899855300 or feel free to send us an email at Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

India's best and most trusted MDS entrance examination institute